
The Aloha Hash House Harriers, or AH3, is a social, adult-oriented noncompetitive trail running & walking club founded in 1991. We tend to run on less-traveled trails (within reason) and often see parts and features of Oahu that you otherwise might not know existed. You may sometimes see us in urban areas as well. Regardless of where we go, we’re a harmless bunch even if we can look a bit rowdy and colorful. We try our best to be respectful of private property, use only biodegradable materials to mark our trails, and always leave wherever we are cleaner than we found it.

If you’re concerned by seeing some arrows and white powder on the ground… this is just how we mark our running route: With harmless sidewalk chalk, baking flour, and/or biodegradable trail marking tape. We strive to respect the ʻĀina and our neighbors as we have our fun. Hashers aren’t trashers.

We are proud to be a positive member of our community. As a registered nonprofit organization, we support local charities such as Establish Hawaii during our annual Red Dress Run each February.

Looking to join us? Everyone is welcome, even if you’re brand new, in shape, or if round is your shape… just show up! We come from all walks of life and welcome everyone to come see if hashing is for you. Join us by checking our Trail & Events Calendar, or contact us at alohahhh@gmail.com if you have any questions, need help with a ride to trail, or maybe even see if there’s crash space.

Hashing with the Aloha H3 is a fine mixture of athleticism and sociability, hedonism, adult humor, and hard work. Most of all, it’s a refreshing break from the nine-to-five routine. Our kennel offers an exhilaratingly fun combination of running or walking, orienteering, and partying, where bands of harriers and harriettes chase hares on eight-to-ten kilometer-long trails through town, country, and desert, all in search of exercise, camaraderie, a fine beverage of choice, and good times.

Upcoming Events

Find upcoming Aloha H3 trail information here on our calendar, as well as our Pau Hana drinking practices, other events, as well as our sister kennels’ trails.

Open Hare Dates

Find the next open date to hare or to co-hare, whether as lead hare looking for a trail date or as a co-hare looing to to tag along with someone more experienced!

Haring Guide

Designed for beginner hares and experienced hares alike, check out the Aloha H3 Haring Guide, to include important timelines and the trail write-up template.

Song Book

Now you can sing alone AND with friends! But usually with friends while standing loosely in a Circle. The song book is now searchable so you can find the perfect song for the occasion!

Hash Trash

Missed trail, want to relive the trails you ran, or see what it’s like? Check out the write-ups that account each and every awesome — ahem, shitty — trail the AH3 has to offer.


A work in progress, but if you’re interested in learning the history of hashing in Hawaii, well then check it out at this page, courtesy of Hazukashii – one of the Aloha H3 founders.

What is Hashing?

The Hash House Harriers (HHH or H3) is an international group of non-competitive running social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a Hash or Run, or a Hash Run. A common denominal verb for this activity is Hashing, with participants calling themselves Hashers.

The hash is not a race, and you don’t have to run marathons to join us. As such the Hash is sometimes humorously and affectionately known as “A Drinking Club With A Running Problem,” with most clubs catering to both runners and walkers.

Hashing originated in December 1938 in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, then in the Federated Malay States (now Malaysia). A group of British immigrants began meeting on Friday evenings prior to the war (1938-1941), but switched to Monday evenings (starting in 1946) to run, in a fashion patterned after the traditional British game of hare and hounds, where one or two “hare” players scatter a trail of cut paper for the “hounds” to track.

Apart from the excitement of chasing the Hare and finding the trail, Harriers reaching the end of the trail would partake of beer, ginger beer, and cigarettes. With hash names in parentheses, the original members included Albert Stephen Ignatius Gispert (“G”), Cecil Lee, Frederick Thomson (“Horse”), Ronald Bennett (“Torch”), Eric Galvin, H.M. Doig, and John Woodrow.

A. S. Gispert suggested the name “Hash House Harriers” after the Selangor Club Annex, where several of the original hashers lived and dined, known as the “Hash House”. The “Hash House” got its name for “its hodgepodge of edible servings being passed off for food”. The term hash was used as an old British slang for “bad food”.

Alberto Esteban Ignacio Gispert, known to his friends as “G” is credited as the original founder of the Hash House Harriers (a.k.a. Mother Hash), along with Frederick “Horse” Thomson, Ronald “Torch” Bennett, Eric Galvin, H.M. Doig, Morris Edgar, John Barret, and Cecil Lee. Mother hash celebrated run # 100 on 15 Aug 1941, and had run a total of 117 runs, but due to the spread of the Japanese Empire, further activity was suspended on 12 Dec 1941. The first rebirth run was held in Aug 1946, as the world recovered from the war.

After World War II, in an attempt to reorganize in the city of Kuala Lumpur, hashers were informed by the Registrar of Societies that since they were a “group”, they would require a constitution. The objectives of the Hash House Harriers as recorded on the club registration card dated 1950 are:

  • To promote physical fitness among our members
  • To get rid of weekend hangovers
  • To acquire a good thirst and to satisfy it in beer
  • To persuade the older members that they are not as old as they feel

Chapters are commonly called Kennels, following in tradition to similar Hound & Hare clubs. The idea spread through the Far East and the South Pacific, Europe, and North America, expanding rapidly during the mid-1970s.

At present, there are almost 1500 chapters in all parts of the world, with members distributing newsletters, directories, and magazines, and organizing regional and world hashing events. As of 2003, there are even two organized chapters operating in Antarctica.

The Aloha H3 is based on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, and was founded by Ed “Hazukashii” Howell, Scott “Anal Farmer” Sheldon, and Kip “DOT” Carpenter with the first run taking place on 22 Sep 1991. Hazukashii and Anal Farmer met on a Tuesday evening while running a trail with the Honolulu hash in June of 1991.

For the full article on the history of Hashing in Hawaii, click here!

Aloha H3 GMs & GMEs

Double Dipped Tip & Hello Shaved Kitty
Parallel Porking
8 Ballz & Midnight Snatch
MammWich & Hole in Nine
All You Need is Head
Laa Laa
Womb Raider & Pipe Cleaner
Judas the Buddy Fucker
Sealed Hatch
Jefe Lengua
Parentis Interruptus
Forest Hump
Jack Off Moremen
M.O.M. & Knocked Up
Spanish Fly & Hell I Smell’Er
Deep Fly Diver
Little Hummer Boy

Teenee Weenee
Jack The Ripper
Boob A Lube & Early Withdrawal
Shitting Bull and Nipples 2 Infinity
War And Peace Of Shit
Sperm Whale
Rectal Ranger
Seamanator (1st AH3 RDR)
Knocked Up
Schizoid Pinko
Flying Booger
Gluteus Maximus
Anal Farmer

AH3 Code of Conduct

The AH3 wants to create a responsive and proactive structure to ensure a safe environment for all hashers. We provide resources for response and prevention, and we support survivors of abuse, so all hashers can have fun, drink beer (or the beverage of their choice), and be themselves as a member of our club without fear.

Consent is sexy: It is mutual, informed, specific, freely given, reversible, and it is fucking required. No means no; the absence of “no” is not consent; someone who is severely intoxicated cannot consent; if someone changes their mind, respect their choice; and if you are unsure, ask, and respect your partner’s response.

Non-consensual interactions and sexual violence in any form will not be tolerated anywhere hashers assemble. This includes, but is not limited to, any non-consensual sexual conduct; both verbal and physical threats, harassment, and abuse; and non-consensual photography and sharing. As such, all photography is prohibited during circle for everyone except for the Hash Flash, who will obtain consent especially prior to posting anything anywhere.

We also do not tolerate: Bullying, violence, or abuse of any other form; theft or misappropriation of others’ and the hash’s dollars, hab, and stuff.

If you violate this policy: Hashing and crashing are privileges; inappropriate behavior is subject to removal from the hash and/or crash space for the day, for a period of time, or permanently at GM discretion. If you are a safety risk to others, you will be removed and are not welcome at the hash.

If you need help, we can:

  • Have your back
  • Listen
  • Support your choices
  • Provide you a safe crash space and/or a ride to where you need to be
  • Remove individuals from the day/event/hashes and/or crash space
  • Refer to local resources (and resources elsewhere).
  • Contact law enforcement
  • Direct you to a hospital if needed

How do you get help if you need it? Talk to a GM or ask a hasher you trust to point you in the right direction. You can also call a local hotline, and/or law enforcement, and if you ever need it: 24 hr crisis hotline: 1-888-293-2080. Share this by clicking here.